All Dielectric Self Supporting Aerial Outdoor Cable - GYFTCY ADSS
All Dielectric Self Supporting Aerial Outdoor Cable - GYFTCY ADSS
- Can be installed without shutting off the power
- Excellent AT performance, The maximum inductive at the operating point of AT sheath can reach 25kV
- Light weight and small diameter reducing the load caused by ice and wind and the load on towers and backprops
- Large span lengths and the largest span is over 1000m
- Good performance of tensile strength and temperature
- The design life life is 30 years
- Complies with Standard IEEE P 1222 as well as IEC 60794-1
Data Sheets
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Manufacturer: Necero
Product Code: ADSS GYFTCY-
Product SKU: 53839000005514250
Product Description:
Optical Cable, outdoor, all dielectric, self supporting, aerial,